
Gallego, A., McHugh, L., Villatte, M., Lappalainen, R. (2020). Examining the relationship between public speaking anxiety, distress tolerance and psychological flexibility. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 16, 128-133.

Villatte, M., Villatte, J. L., & Hayes, S. C. (2017). A reticulated and progressive strategy for developing clinical applications of RFT. The Psychological Record, 1-5.

Villatte, J. L., Vilardaga, R., Villatte, M., Plumb Vilardaga, J., Atkins, D., & Hayes, S. C. (2016). Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Modules: Differential impact on treatment processes and outcomes. Behaviour Research and Therapy.

Monestès, J. L., Karekla, M., Jacobs, N., Michaelides, M., Hooper, N., Kleen, M., Ruiz, F. J., Miselli, G., Presti, G., Luciano, C., Villatte, M., Bond, F. W., Kishita, N., & Hayes, S. C. (2016). Experiential avoidance as a common psychological process in European cultures. European Journal of Psychological Assessment.

Monestes, J. L. & Villatte, M. (2015). Humans are the selection criterion in psychological science, not “reality”: A reply to Herbert and Padovani. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 4, 210-211.

Monestès, J. L., Vavasseur-Desperriers, J., Villatte, M., Denizot, L., Loas, G., & Rusinek, S. (2014). Influence de la résistance aux hallucinations auditives sur la dépression : étude au moyen du questionnaire révisé des croyances a propos des voix. L’encéphale, 41, 25-31.

Monestes, J.L., Villatte, M., Stewart, I., & Loas, G. (2014). Rule-based insensitivity and delusion maintenance in schizophrenia. The Psychological Record.

Hayes, S.C., Villatte, M., Levin, M., & Hildebrandt, M. (2011). Open, aware and active: Contextual Approaches as an Emerging Trend in the Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, 7, 141-168.

Villatte, M., Monestès, J. L., McHugh, L., Freixa i Baqué, E., & Loas, G. (2010). Adopting the perspective of another in belief attribution: Contribution of Relational Frame Theory to the understanding of impairments in schizophrenia. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 41, 125-134.

Villatte, M., Monestès, J. L., McHugh, L., Freixa i Baqué, E., & Loas, G. (2010). Assessing perspective taking in schizophrenia using Relational Frame Theory. The Psychological Record, 60, 413-424.

Hooper, N., Villatte, M., Neofotistu, E., & McHugh, L. (2010). An Implicit Measure of Experiential Avoidance. International Journal of Behavioral Consultation and Therapy, 6, 23-244.
 Villatte, M. & Monestès, J. L. (2010). Relational Frame Theory: The place of language in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Revue Québécoise de Psychologie.
Monestès, J.L., Villatte, M., Mouras, H., Loas, G., & Bond, F. (2009). Translation and validation of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (AAQ-II). European Review of Applied Psychology, 59, 301-308.

Villatte, M., Monestès, J. L., McHugh, L., & Freixa i Baqué, E. (2009). Studying Theory of Mind through Relational Frame Theory: A review of the literature on deictic relational responding. Acta Comportamentalia, 17, 117-136.

Monestès, J. L., Villatte, M., & Loas, G. (2009). Introduction to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Journal de Thérapie Comportementale et Cognitive, 19, 30-34.

Villatte, M., Monestès, J. L., McHugh, L., Freixa i Baqué, E., & Loas, G. (2008). Assessing deictic relational responding in social anhedonia: A functional approach to the development of Theory of Mind impairments. International Journal of Behavioral Consultation and Therapy, 4(4), 360-373.

Monestès, J. L., Villatte, M., & Loas, G. (2008). Cognitive and behavioral therapy for population at high risk of schizophrenia. Journal de Thérapie Cognitive et Comportementale, 18, 11.

Villatte, M., Monestès, J. L., Couvillers, F., & Loas, G. (2007). Studying Theory of Mind impairments in schizotypy-schizophrenia continuum through perspective-taking skills. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 257, 2, 43-44.

Monestès, J. L., Villatte, M., Moore, A., Yon, V., & Loas, G. (2007). Decisions in conditional situation and theory of mind in schizotypy. L’Encéphale, 34, 116-122.

Villatte, M., Monestès, J. L., Moore, A., Freixa i Baqué, E., Pinchemel, S, Yon, V., & Loas, G. (2006). Decision in conditional situation: What implications for Theory of Mind? Cognitica, 155-168.

Villatte, M., Scholiers, D., & Freixa i Baqué, E. (2004). Learning optimal behavior in the Monty Hall dilemma through exposure to contingencies. Acta Comportamentalia, 12, 5-24.

Villatte, M., Scholiers, D., & Freixa i Baqué, E. (2003). The creation of an offence of “mental manipulation”: A behavioral approach to the debate. Les Cahiers de Psychologie Politique, 3.

Scholiers, D., Villatte, M., & Freixa i Baqué, E. (2003). Non optimal behavior versus cognitive illusion. Acta Comportamentalia, 11, 5-17.